I was fortunate to be able to attend the Longwood Medical Area ICD Support Group (made up of mainly Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Brigham and Women’s Hospital patients) Spring Fling!  It was an informative and supportive half day ICD patient workshop at the Shapiro Clinical Center in Boston.  Local physicians and device companies gave great presentations for ICD patients, and the day ended with Samuel F. Sears, PhD, speaking about ICD patients and their partners.  It was a great oppotunity to explore beyond the physical side of having an ICD and into the psychological implications and the goals that should be set to overcome the resulting challenges, both for a patient and his or her family.  It was an amazing presentation! I was able to hand out American Heart Association literature to other patients as well…great job to Marianne Daoust, RN and Julie Shea, MS, RNCS, FHRS, and Dorthy Williams for their dedicated work to pull this together!
